How can you stop global warming?

How to Stop Global Warming: This is a highly debated issue. The way it was explained to me by my professor of Geology, the earth has a way of cooling herself. The earth also goes through natural warming and cooling processes. Humans have a tendency to interpret things wrong sometimes and it is possible global warming is just a scare tactic.
Here is some evidence you can research on your own; any time a volcano goes off, the earth cools slightly for the next few months to a year (depending on the amount of ash spewn into the atmosphere). Take Mt. St. Helens for example, the weather all over the west has never been the same since the first eruption in 1980. Also, another major volcano somewhere in the Philipenes which went off in the past 3 years has cause the earths temperatures to fluxuate. Consider this: Yellowstone is a super volcano. Should it go off (it is overdue according to some scientists), the earth will experience a volcanic winter which is much like the ice age. Nothing will grow and the entire earth will be effected (not to mention the eruption could kill much of the USA population).
Jerry Spiropoulos
GFDL-SELF 2005hoax or truth? Is global warming a threat to our world today?or is a means for the coming gain the favor of the people.people being those governing the united states of america.
are we govered by the people and for the people,or by a few looking for a new means of getting rich?No doubt global warming has filled the pockets of manyand emptied the pockets of others.It is known as the war of the rich and the poor.There are many ways to get rich.Make a new productor destroy the competitor.and put fear in the hearts of men to go your way, sayingthe air is killing you so you buy filters and machines to purify the air.We are not talking about the little guys but national products,namely oil, gas, electricity and water.
Global warming affects all these products, not jus air, worldwide.The truth is global warming means money, big money.Right now, just a ticket, today to win an election.Not just in the USA but all over the world.Changing gears here, ice polar caps melt, rivers rise, temperatures change.These have been taking place since the beginning of timeand will continue to do so, forevermore.
I can prove to you, without a doubt, that global warming is a hoax,or I can prove to you that global warming is real and a threat.It depends on how I want you to believe and knowwhere I am coming from. These are called theories.There is only one truth, and that stands on facts.Facts tell the truth and not stories about peopletrying to gain the lime light.
So to be true to you the fairest way, is to have a juryand you decide what you believe.We need a jury of the mind, of the heart, of the soul,and spirit that is yours,God given, to all mankind.To the jury of the heart, first I would state this truth.My God, there is only one true God,he tells me that heat travels to the colder objectand never, never in reverse. This is a law set down by our creator.A law that can never be broken. For all of God's laws stand fast.Only people break laws and make up new ones. They do not stand fast.
For example,we wear hats on our head to hold the heat in our bodies,or the heat leaves through our head and goes to the colder air,and we get cold.Fact: heat travels up to consume that which is cold.
A piece of pipewhich is the simplest example but a fact of truth.You heat one end and the heat will travel to the colder end..Global warming says heat stays put. This is false and not truth.There are many other examples. Our bodies get cold and everything else,because the heat leaves to the colder object.I am not a scientist or a scholar, but my heart tells meGod made things this way.Do you believe the God, creator of all earth, heaven and the seas,would create something that man can destroy? As a juror of the mind,think about this. The sun appears each day.Without it's presence the world would freeze.Global warming says the dirty air of man is causingthe heat of the earth, given to her by the sun to lingerbehind and raise the temperature from one to three degrees each year.As a juror of the mind, God has given me common sense,and that is my brains. How does the earth which isabout 75% water and very,very cold the deeper you gowhich absorbs heat tells me when I enter the water or anything else,heat leaves that object and gives up itself to the water.
Fact:heat travels to the colder object and never in reverse.It is not the cold water that makes me cold,but the heat leaving my body, which I received, from the sun the day before.It is a known fact, that outer space is absolute 0 cold.You need but one clear day,when the stars are visiblethat the heat will rise into space and the earth gets cold.If it were not for the sun coming up the next day, earth could freeze.
Fact:they say these gases which form a blank over the earth,prevents the heat from leaving,but when you take in proportion the size of the earth,and these little cities, like NYC, Chicago,Dallas, countries like Russia,China and many, many more, they are but needle points on the vastmass of earth. Remember, earth is only 1/3 of the size of the world,the other ¾ is water. How can this little mass of heatcause global warming?Remember heat does not stand still,it rises out into space. As a juror of the soul, I cannot believe,with all the atomic bombs, gasses from cars,heat from factories,and man's doings could outdo God's creation.God has set in place laws for heat, for cold, for waterand man cannot outdo the creator. Man cannot creat anything;only make things from what God has created.My soul tells me that man in his thoughts for gain has created a big lieabout global warming, to frighten people to their way of thinking,but we must stand fast with our heart, soul and mind and believe Himwho has created you and loves you. I could go on and on.There is so much fact that global warming is impossiblewhen things taken in proper proportion with laws of heat and cold.
My spirit witnesses to my spirit that he loves mea and shows me daily his love for me. He would never put me in a worldthat proves he made a mistake in the way he created the world.Use the common sense God gave you.The bottom line isglobal warming is for those of a cold heart, cold soul, cold mindand cold spirit and it is for those who are blind.I see spring coming and the heat of the sunbringing forth God's creation. People with a cold heartneed global warming,for if they knew their creator,there would be peace in their heart.

Ini sengaja aku kutip dari sini.Agar kita bisa saling mengingatkan..dan semua itu di mulai dari diri kita masing-masing.

Selamat Hari Ibu...

Selama hari ibu....

Hari ini kita merayakannya sebagai hari ibu,kenapa ada hari ibu kenapa bukan hari ayah atau hari bapak..wah kalo kita jelasin pasti puaanjjjang ceritanya.Banyak sekali jasa para ibu dari mengandung,melahirkan dan mendidik semuanya tugas seorang ibu.Dan kata suami saya suksesnya sebuah keluarga dari bagaimana seorang ibu.Wah hebat banget kan jasa2 seorang ibu..

Semoga kita sebagai seorang ibu bisa menjadi contoh yang baik bagi anak2 kita nantinya.Dan aku sebagai seorang ibu masih jauhhhh dari kesempurnaan.

Nah,karena hari ibu ini jatuh saat liburan maka perayaan hari ibu di sekolah eneng di majukan,tepatnya tgl 19 desember kemarin.Eh..kebetulan sekali kalo saat itu si eneng juga ikutan dalam pengisi acara.Eneng dan beberapa temannya mempersembahkan sebuah tarian buat para ibu.Ih..lucu bgt,aku aja nggak ngira loh kalo dia berani tampil di depan orang banyak.Mau liat beberapa penampakannya...monggo...

*ini ucapan dan puding para siswa yg ditujukan buat ibu mereka masing2*

*nah ini dia si eneng menari(no.2 dari kanan)semangat sekali kan..*

Sebelum pulang para bocah2 ini masih minta di foto nih ma ibu irien...liat deh gaya mereka yang nggak bisa diem.Capek juga loh nemenin mereka,akhirnya kita pulang tepat jam 12 siang.Ibu irien dapat puding yang eneng buat bersama teman2nya(dibantu bu guru dong) sehari sebelum perayaan hari ibu.Senengnya dapat sesuatu dari putri kecilku...Nggak bakal terlupakan loh...

Cerita mudik yang tertunda

wah..akhirnya bisa posting lagi neh,kemarin2 banyak bener cobaannya.Tapi kalo sekarang Insya Allah dah nggak ada hambatan lagi deh bablas kaya jalan tol.Ada beberapa kejadian yang dah lama mau di posting tapi tertunda nih,oke deh sekarang aja di mulai ya..sebelum jamuran gara2 disimpan terlalu lama.
Kita sampai Jakarta tgl 8 oktober,ya selama belum ada bapak kita ngelumprek (ngumpul2) aja di rumah mbah uti bisa ibu nggak sanggup nih kalo mesti bawa 3 anak jalan.Seperti ini penampakannya kalo lagi ngelumprek bareng adhe nisa,tante ita(tante itanya msh hamil loh,adhe alikanya blum lahir pas itu),om adi dan kk lala serta kk tiza.

Lebaran pertama sore bapak rovan datang,nah mulai saat itu kesibukan kita berasa banget..karena kita akan ke surabaya naik mobil dari jakarta.Kebayangkan cuapeknya...lebaran ke 2 malam kita berangkat dari jakarta jam 10 malam,alhamdulillah adhe qela tetep tenang sampai surabaya jam 12 siang...cepetkan....Pantura sepi polll,nggak ada bis dan truk2 yang biasanya ngeribetin di jalan.Makanya mau janjian ke temuan denganmba ninda
danmba tia

jadi mleset semua karena sampai semarang jam 5 pagi gimana mau mampir entar malah ngeganggu orang yang lagi tidur pules dong...hehehehehe..

Sampai Surabaya senin siang kita jg nggak kemana-mana coz cuapeekkkk banget.....terus di sana sama aja kaya di jakarta susah bgt ngatur komposisi tidurnya saking banyaknya saudara2 yang datang .Tapi ngak pha2 kok...di nikmati aja.Masuk hari rabu kita baru meluncur ke galaxi mallmau nostalgia sedikit waktu jaman Pendekatan dulu mainnya kesini mulu ya maklumlah mall ini mall yang paling dekat dengan kampus ibu dulu.Palagi setelah menikah kita juga ngontrak di perumahan di belakang mall ini.Berasa belum punya anak deh..kalo nggak inget disebelah2 kita ada om romie(adhenya bpk rovan),tante septi dan juga tante kiki wah kita pengen banget tuh muterin rumah kita yg dulu,en jalan2 yang pernah kit lalui dulu...cieeee sok romantis bgt ya..tapi nggak jadi kok soalnya takut nge BT in yg pada ikutan.Ini beberapa penampakan di surabaya...

Jumat malam kita dah dlm perjalannan kejakarta lagi...coz mbah kung di Ciawi mau ngadain pertemuan keluarga besarnya.Oke deh meluncurlah kita ke jakarta dengan harapan sama seperta perjalannan sebelumnya yang bebas hambatan...
Sayang2 saudara2 kita malah nggak bisa ikutan pertemuan keluarga,tapi tetap masih bisa berlibur di ciawi.Masih bisa jalan-jalan ke bogor,terus dalam 1 minggu itu kita masih ke Bandung juga loh...biasalah kita kan orang desa yang ke kota,hehehehe...jadi di puas2in deh shoppingnya..

O ya sebelum pulang ke Balikpapan kita sempet ketemuan dengan mba wilda
.Duh seneng banget deh bisa ketemu temen yang biasanya cuman bisa kita baca2 ceritanya.Kita janjian di Mc-D Bintaro sektor 9 jam 8 pagi githu deh...pagi bener ya..biznya waktuku mepet banget.Mba wilda mbawain kenang2 buat kk lala, kk tiza dan adhe qela tempat makan mickye mouse..duh jadi malu nih kita nggak bawa apa2 buat calys..nih ada beberapa foto2 waktu kopdar liburan kemarin.

Mba wilda maaf banget saat itu kita nggak bisa lama2 ketemuaannya biznya adhe iparku dalam mau melahirkan belum lagi siangnya kita harus dah meluncur ke bandara buat pulang ke Balikpapan.Mudah2 an lain waktu kita bisa ketemuan lagi.

Segitu aja deh cerita mudiknya dah banyak banget yang lupa ....hehehe kelamaan di simpen seh.

Kangen euy.....

Kangennnn banget bisa ngeblog kaya dulu...

Laptop lagi di betulin karena kena modemnya sedih pisan..biznya tuh laptop barang penghibur laraku kalo lagi di sini.Kesepian bgt kalo aku tanpa dia.Sekarang mau nulis bingung bahannya apa ya..Oya aku mau cerita nih tentang perkembangannya si dd qeela yang sekarang dah bisa jalan,walaupun masih tertatih tatih malah lebih mirip robot githu jalannya.Adhe qeela tepat bisa jalan di usia 9 bln 13 hari..awalnya seh dia kaya kena diare githu,aku pikir kenapa ya dia..tunggu punya tunggu eh ternyata dia langsung aktraksi di depan si bapak yang baru datang dari Handil,kaget campur senang dong si ibu..rupanya bener apa yg di prediksi orang2 yang liat dia kalo bakalan cepet neh si adhe jalannya.Maaf ya nggak ada foto2nya si dd dah jalan coz suseh bgt dapatin foto dd kalo lagi asyik melangkah...yang ada aku yang repot konsentrasi jagain langkahnya dia biar nggak kesandung.

Si adhe bisa jalan sama persis kakak lala yang dulu di usia 9 bln, nah kalo si neng mah bisa jalan di usia 1 thn pas.Tapi lumayan cepet2 ya jalannya...

Oya si dd jg punya hobby baru yaitu ikut ibu anter jemput kakak-kakaknya bis nya setiap emaknya dah rapi jali pake kerudung bawa kunci mobil dia bisa kebingungan takut di tinggal.Senengnya duduk manis di car seat nya bisa sampe ketiduran loh.Nah kalo dah sampe sekolahan abiz deh pipinya di cubitin ibu2 yang aneh ngeliat dia bisa dengan tenangnya duduk manis walaupun nggak bisa bergerak2 .
Sekarang ini kakak lala dah sekolah di SDIT BIS(Balikpapan Islamic School) Balikpapan Baru,jadi semua ngumpul sekolah di lingkungan perumahan tempat tinggal kita.Sibuknya kalo pagi tuh mesti nyiapin si kakak terus mandiin si dd qela juga harus nyiapin si neng sekolah berasa sibuk bgt lagi si mbaknya baru datang agak siang.Jadi kalo mesti nganter si kk ke sekolah mesti ikut semua dulu baru pulang lagi baru nganter si neng.Coz kk masuk jam 7.30 nah kalo si neng masuk jam 8.00.Biar sekolahnya deket tapi tetap repot.Nah nanti jam 12.00 jemput si neng sekolah..terus jam 14.15 baru jemput si kk dan semua pasukan pasti ikut....weleh-weleh capeknya..
Nah segithu aja ya ceritanya,coz..masih harus jemput si neng pulang dari sekolah nih....